
Felix Porn Angel

Felix is ​​a beautiful young angel sent to Earth to bring pleasure and joy to those who need it. She has long golden hair and piercing blue eyes that shine in the sunlight. His wings are pure white and shimmer in the light, and he has a halo that shines brightly around his head. Felix loves playing with his friends and often flies around the world to visit them. He loves playing games, watching movies and exploring new places. But most of all, he loves to have fun and make people smile. One day Felix decided to visit a group of people who were having a party. They were all drinking and dancing and looked like they were having a great time. Felix flew down and joined them, dancing and laughing with them. As the night progressed, Felix noticed that one of the people looked particularly sad. He flew towards her and asked her what was wrong. She told him that she had just lost her job and was feeling very low. Felix knew he had to help her, so he flew away to look for a job. He searched far and wide but couldn't find anything he liked. He eventually found work as a bartender at a local pub. Felix was a little nervous at first. He had never worked in a bar before and wasn't sure he was any good at it. But once he started making drinks and serving customers, he realized he liked it. The people in the pub were friendly and welcoming and happy to have Felix around. He was always happy and cheerful and made sure everyone was having fun. He also began learning new skills, such as making the perfect martini and playing darts. As the weeks went by, Felix's work in the pub became more and more successful. He was making more money than ever before and loving every minute of it. But most of all, he was happy that he could help the sad girl at the party. And so Felix continued to work at the pub, spreading joy and happiness wherever he went. He was an angel of joy and loved by all who knew him.

Duration: 32:56

Views: 69

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